What is Est. Traffic & Est. Opportunity?

In our keyword clustering reports, you’ll find:

  • Est. Topic Traffic
  • Est. Topic Opportunity
  • Est. Keyword Traffic
  • Est. Keyword Opportunity

These metrics represent:

  • Est. Keyword Traffic – This is the estimated traffic driven to the site input on the clustering project via the associated keyword. This is calculated by looking at your ranking position and estimating the traffic based on our click through rate curve.
  • Est. Keyword Opportunity – Similar to Estimated Keyword Traffic, the Keyword opportunity looks at the traffic that a position 1 ranking could drive (based on our click through rate curve) and then subtracts your current estimated keyword traffic. This difference between the maximum possible amount of traffic and your current traffic is the estimated opportunity for a given keyword.
  • Est. Topic Traffic – This is the total estimated amount of traffic a topic gets. This is the sum of the estimated traffic for each of the keywords associated with a topic.
  • Est. Topic Opportunity – This is the total estimated amount of opportunity for a given topic. This is the sum of the estimated opportunity for each of the keywords associated with a topic.

You can see the click through rate curve that we use to build our models here.